The Parsec Agri Cultura Agricultural Social Cooperative was born from a path of work reintegration carried out by the Parsec Flor arl ONLUS Social Cooperative.
Specifically, the purpose of the Cooperative is not to be a place of assistance for people with social problems but a social enterprise that wants to establish itself on the "market" like other companies, starting from the consideration that the social recovery of disadvantaged people passes through the offer of real possibilities for reintegration into the working environment. The Parsec Agri Cultura Agricultural Social Cooperative arl ONLUS, began in 2014 the cultivation in the open field of various plots of land that are part of the agricultural fund where the Cooperative has its registered office and legal sites within the NATURAL RESERVE OF MARCIGLIANA Our fund consists of a total of about 60,000 square meters of land, cultivation in open field has now reached an extension of almost 25,000 square meters and the cultures in production are made up of seasonal vegetable products, grown with organic method to date certified, with the agency "Valoritalia". The Cooperative has expanded its activities in the field of processing agricultural products through its own laboratory with the certified organic production of jams, pickled, salt creams, with the intention of representing in a pragmatic way the short chain in the
various meanings of agricultural activity.
Palace of the Popes
Piazza San Lorenzo, Viterbo