O.R.T.O. is a social agricultural cooperative. It was founded in 2014 as an association for the local territory regeneration and preservation; it then became a social enterprise, spreading a fair and environmentally responsible agri-food production model. It is committed to the inclusion of the most vulnerable individuals through activities that are connected to eco-sustainable agricultural practices.
O.R.T.O.’s project structure envisages different actions, ranging from work inclusion and social reintegration to environment and food education.
O.R.T.O.’s initiatives are inspired by principles of agricultural multifunctionality, regarding food production as well as natural resources and biodiversity preservation, and more cohesive and inclusive communities.
Since 2017, O.R.T.O. trains and professionalizes Viterbo prison convicts and former convicts in agricultural activities. Organic farming and greenhouses cultivations inside the prison respect agro- ecology fundamentals and include the production of a vast variety of fresh sprouts, aromatic and medicinal plants, small fruits, pomegranates and aloe plants. In the Oltre l'orto (Beyond the Vegetable Garden) laboratory, just outside the prison walls, raw production is then processed into herbal teas, vegetable chips, herb-flavoured salts. Nearby is the little mill, producing strictly organic wholemeal flours from local cereals and legumes.
Oltre l’orto is a brand but, above all, it is an agri-food chain based on social inclusion, job dignity, and respect for the environment. It involves institutions, associations, private farmers and the local community.
Oltre l’Orto
Sede legale: Via Monte Bianco 19, 01100 (VT)
Sede operativa: Laboratorio “Oltre l’orto” nell’intercinta muraria della Casa circondariale di
Viterbo, strada Santissimo Salvatore 14/b, 01100 (VT)
Palace of the Popes
Piazza San Lorenzo, Viterbo